Academic Support & Connection (ASC)

Register now for ASC services

As parents, there are few things more rewarding than seeing our children succeed. When our children are not getting their academic or behavioral needs met, it can be heartbreaking. We know that children and teens’ experiences with learning are a major part of their mental wellness. Providing our children with consistent means of learning and engagement can help them feel secure, competent, and in control.  That’s where we come in – just ASC us for help! Our Academic Support & Connection (ASC) services pair your child with a highly trained teacher and developmental expert to provide one-on-one, individualized learning experiences that lead to confidence, excelled learning and academic growth. With flexible scheduling based on individual needs, you and your child can get a little bit of support or a whole heap of help.

ASC Services Include:

Initial Assessment of Needs and Educational Plan – During your initial session with one of our educational consultants, information is gathered about your child’s strengths, weaknesses, current goals, areas of need, and current academic performance. Based on this assessment, an educational plan is created, and a learning path designed specifically for your child is put in place. Some parents prefer that the educational consultant provides direct instruction and support with materials from their child’s school. Other parents ask that the educational consultant focuses on areas of weakness to help support their child to remediate a learning disorder, close a skills gap, and/or attain curriculum and learning milestones. Additionally, many children require extension activities to stretch and develop areas of considerable strength. Your child’s needs are unique, and their learning path will be individualized.

One-On-One Interactive Tutoring Sessions – After determining their learning plan based on your child’s individual goals and areas of need, regular tutoring sessions are scheduled for your child with one of our educational consultants. Sessions are fast-paced and highly interactive with instruction that is tailored to your child. In addition to academic and educational support, our educational consultants provide executive functioning coaching, to help your child better plan ahead, stay on-task, stay organized, think through problems, shift attention appropriately, and regulate emotions to meet their goals. ASC services include regular parent check-ins to update parents on performance and goals.

Parent Support and Consultation – You may also choose to use sessions to engage in parent support and consultation with our educational experts. During these sessions, parents learn teaching strategies to use with their children, and address challenges with learning and/or completing academic work at home.

Brief Behavioral Consultation – If your child is engaging in behaviors or emotional reactions that are interfering with their ability or motivation to engage in academic tasks, our developmental experts can provide strategies and interventions to smooth the pathway to success. Our Brief Behavioral Consultation services provide intervention and support on a short-term basis (i.e., 2-6 sessions) for non-clinical level difficulties. Parents connect with a clinical psychologist or counselor who is an expert in child and adolescent behavior. Education, training, and evidence-based intervention strategies are then provided to coach parents in addressing their child’s behavioral needs, as well as any challenges they have with understanding and regulating emotions. If a child’s difficulties require clinical level intervention, your clinician will refer or transition you and your child to more intensive therapeutic services. We recognize that behavioral and emotional regulation are the cornerstones to learning and support your child to live at their full potential.

Cost –  Individualized, one-on-one sessions with an educational consultant start at just $45.00. Please call, email or submit a registration form to learn more about session costs and plans.